Sunday, January 1, 2012

Some time saving things I did this christmas break!!!

As a mom of four seems like everytime i start to clean,cook,relax or get on the phone I hear mom im hungry!!!! I am right or what. Here are some things I tried during this two and half week break i will for sure do from here on out!!!

* I got a old basket and put snacks in ziplock bags. And left out on the in my house you just cant let them help them self in the pantry or a snack ends up being one eating a whole pack of With the basket I picked items i didnt mind them eating up...a good way to get them to eat opened items..heres how it worked here i had some cookies in a ziplock bag in the pantry they would not eat i divided them down to snack size ziplock bags and they get gone in a heart beat.

* Then each morning i would fix up several sandwiches and cut them in fours and place in a air tight container for help your self sandwiches...the kids loved being able to get their own.

* I emptied out my ice box drawer and placed only their drinks and yogurts and such. Where everyone could reach them.

*ok personally if you coupon you prolly dont buy snack packs since you usually get the box of jello and pudding free. I got some plastic cups about twice the size of shot glasses and made individual cups of jello and pudding to put in the fridge which made it super easy for them to help their self with out making a mess.

* Pushing them to drink water I have tons of bottled water so i took straws and burned the ends closed with a lighter and poured the water mixes kool aid, crystal light etc..and placed them in a cup then it was a suprize what they were getting and they drank plenty of water.

Hope these help they take very little prep time and make the day run so much smoother more me. Def worth a shot to see if they work for you. I am sure I left out a few it so i will update.


  1. Ok told you I would forget something.I also got ziplock containers and make individual bowls of ice cream......again with ziplock containers make individual bowls of cereal

  2. this is a great idea, i'll have to try it!
